Blockstream Jade


Blockstream Jade is a cheap and easy to use device

SKU: N/A Category:

Completely open-source for both hardware and software, Blockstream Jade secures your keys offline when combined with Blockstream Green, Blue Wallet, Nunchuck, Sparrow, Electrum and many more.

Bitcoin Brabant is an official reseller of the Blockstream Jade. We have the Jades in stock in the Netherlands. Shipping varies, you can either make an appointment at one of the Dutch meetups or have it shipped within the Netherlands or the EU. Different shipping costs apply because shipping costs differ per country.

Check for more information about the device

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Explainer in Dutch:

Additional information

Weight 0,150 g
Dimensions 255 × 160 × 30 cm

Transparent Black, Transparent Blue, Transparent Bitcoin Orange, Transparent Green

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