Seedsigner Aluminum Premium


The type of Raspberry Pi used is the Zero v1.3 without wifi. That’s the best choice for creating a seed signer.

To dowload the image yourself you can go to the seedsigner page and select the correct build:

“pi0.img” – For Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 & Raspberry Pi Zero W

Please don’t trust bitcoin brabant links, always verify directly via


Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3 without WIFI

Waveshare 1.3″ LCD Hat
Zerocam – Raspberry Pi mini camera
Glass camera cover
Shortened Gold Pins
Precision milled Aluminum enclosure
Aluminum thumbstick and buttons

SKU: N/A Category:

Use the SeedSigner and take custody of your Bitcoin. This is a prebuilt SeedSigner Bitcoin signing device, in a very premium CNC milled enclosure made from Aluminum.

The signer is complete in working condition, no building or soldering is required. The only thing you have to do by yourself is flash a micro-sd card (not included for safety reasons) with the most up to date SeedSigner image. A sizeable part of the profits from every purchase will be donated to the SeedSigner development fund.

Seedsigner tutorial Dutch:

Additional information

Weight 0,150 g
Dimensions 255 × 160 × 30 cm

Black, Orange, Grey

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